Labrador Manor Project

This blog follows the restoration of Labrador Manor in Port Matilda, Pennsylvania. It will be both a source of information about what has been done and also an example of how plans change during the course of work. For our family and friends, it will keep them connected with our progress. For casual visitors, it may help with their own restoration efforts. For us, it will provide a way to look back at our efforts as they were and not just from the viewpoint of completion.

New Lockset

This was not a very productive weekend. All I got done was the purchase and installation of a new lockset in the back door (with a matching set purchased, but not yet installed for the front). We also picked some paint colors for the back stairwell and purchased some patching material and a blade.

I opened one of the formerly sealed doors of the barn. I still am working on re-opening one other. Why someone decided to seal and cover all the doors is yet another 'what were they thinking?' mystery.

Beyond the minimal work, the learned quite a bit about more the town and our property's history. The original house that stood on the property still exists. It was moved in 1899/1900 from its original location to North High St. The current Port Matilda Hotel was the original funeral home of Mr. Pringle. It also was relocated from its original home on the corner to the next lot over. The hotel previous to this incarnation was located where the current post office now stands. It was torn down. There continues to be no evidence that anything ever stood on the empty lot. I am fairly convinced that the bank story is a myth. Further, I have tracked down the death of Mr. Sanderson and it was an industrial accident. That pretty much closes the book on the supposed suicide in the attic as there are no unaccounted for prior residents. It appears to also be a myth. So, all the final pieces to the puzzle are falling into place.


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