Permit Approved
After a month, my fencing permit was finally approved. It seems the delay was because they couldn't figure out why I wanted to put up fence sections in different parts of the property that weren't all of the same material nor could they understand why I wanted to put the fences in particular locations. I explained both, but not until after I pointed out that the answers to those questions were not really any of their business and they should not have held up the approval because of them. So long as none of the fences violated any ordinance, the permit should have been approved no matter how strange they thought my intentions were. So, despite there being new faces on the Council, it still seems that some old habits (going beyond the scope of their authority and adding unwritten extra requirements) have yet to die off. It is no wonder that most people don't bother to get the proper permits. It costs money, serves no real purpose, adds unneccesary delay and encourgages meddling.
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