Labrador Manor Project

This blog follows the restoration of Labrador Manor in Port Matilda, Pennsylvania. It will be both a source of information about what has been done and also an example of how plans change during the course of work. For our family and friends, it will keep them connected with our progress. For casual visitors, it may help with their own restoration efforts. For us, it will provide a way to look back at our efforts as they were and not just from the viewpoint of completion.


At around 5:15pm EST on 12/19/05, the paperwork was all completed. I am glad it is finally over. The final numbers ended up lower than estimated. All in all, our payment is about $60 more a month than we used to pay in rent when we lived in Bucks County. A drop in the bucket compared to the value of building equity.

We moved in over the weekend. Right now we're living out of one room until we get things figured out. Last night the inner workings of a toilet broke, the house's idea of a welcoming present I suppose. We were going to Lowe's this week for other things anyway, so I'll just add that to the list.

We were helped by several of our friends in the move over the weekend. Adam, Erin, Tim, Timmy, Sterl, Bryce Jr., Josh Y., Rich and that tall kid whose name I can never remember all helped out at various points. With their help and the use of Adam's vehicle and Tim's trailer, we got pretty much everything moved in two afternoons. Sunday night Tim also dropped off a wood stove for use in the garage.

Now I need to contact the borough government and find out what hoops they'd like me to jump through. (Yes, I know they'd like to see me jump into a bottomless pit, but they'll have to wait on that.) I figure I have to get set up with the mandated monopoly known as the Water Authority. I also need to have them send me copies of any ordinances relating to fencing so I can get a permit to put up some fences. You know, I have to pay a thousands a year to and get permission to make changes to the property from the government. I suppose they're my new landlord.

I suppose I will take off a couple of days soon so a few Christmas decorations can get put up and to get all the immediate fixes made. Hopefully we'll be somewhat settled by the new year.


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